Monday, November 11, 2013

W. Eugene Smith

W. Eugene Smith was born on December 30, 1918 in Wichita, Kansas. Smith began his photography life by photographing for two local newspapers, the Beacon and The Wichita Eagle. From the two local newspapers to climbed his way up to Newsweek in New York City, then up to Life in 1945, during WWII. When Smith decided to leave Life he later joined Magnum photo agency in 1955.

It's hard to describe what this Nun's expression is. Is it shock? Worry? Whatever it is I really like it. It appears that she's holding a teddy bear in her hand so this leads me to think that it's something tragic.
Smith also took many photos in Japan during a Minamata outbreak and this was probably the time that this photo was taken. I like how the man in this picture is looking upwards because it looks as if he has hope that things will get better despite the present conditions.

This image is really chilling. The boy is no doubt in pain but we can't tell if he is physicaly or mentally. I have no knowledge of Minamata so I'm speaking out of ignorance, but maybe he is crying out in pain because he has Minamata maybe it is physically painful. Possibly he could have lost a loved one, regardless it really hits home for me. 

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