Thursday, January 9, 2014

Late Chritsmas

    Merry late Christmas! In honor of late Christmas I present to you this image! This year we got white lights for the tree and I'm so thankful for it. I think it really complements this image. So what I did was I set the ISO at 200, F stop at 2.8, exposure at 1/15, and the focal length of 22mm. I also had to sharpen the image a bit and then I selected the eye with the magnet tool and brightened the eye, then added more saturation. I think that was pretty much it. The only thing I wish I could change about this image is the arm of the couch being there but besides that I like this image.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I like this photo because of the eerie aura around it. To me it reminds me of a perching crow about to attack, but it's not, its just my harmless dog. I don't have any information for ISO, F stop etc. I also really like how the background in the trees is a bit blurry. It's just a really creepy photo and that's what I was going for. I also like how one of the paws is unfocused yet the other one in the distance is. The rock also looks very sharp and eroded which I like.

Howling Dog

I took this image with a 20mm lens 1/500 exposure 2.8 for the f stop and an ISO of 200. Personally I think it looks a bit grainy but I think that the angle gives a good perspective. My dog, Autumn, at the time was barking because she wanted a treat. You can see the drool on the side of her mouth is you look closely. I wish that the dog was not so close to the middle of the camera but overall I think the image turned out okay. I think that if I had to make changes I would have made it more clear and played around with the settings. If I took a few more snaps of this it would have came out better but since the action happened so quickly it would have been tough but it would have payed off. As I mentioned early I wish I could have moved her over to the side more.